Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Pivot (Part I) - Thought


Are we accountable for our thoughts? Why? We don't know from whence they come. We can decide how long we ponder a thought, once we judge that it is in line with our priorities, but we don't make it pop into our mind. We often follow logical conclusions. Either way, we have little or no control over the initial concept that, in fact, occurs to us.

Could it be that we all share thought energy? We have all had moments when we could say someone "took the words right out of my mouth". Could it be that we are more alert to this open source than we acknowledge, and claim ideas as our own, in order to capitalize on what it is that we have indeed channeled? Or, have have received an idea from not a collective consciousness, but a higher, more subtle, unified source? An entity of which we are all a part, as we are all a part of the ecosystem? Could our ecosystem include this unseen aspect of our existence, making each of us, individual parts, of a central entity? The answer is yes, these could be the facts.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let It Shine ...and by It, I mean You!

In the darkness of my inner struggles, I realized I was not who I wanted to be. The light was ever approaching, and I felt there was not enough time, and still, I didn't know what it was that I was supposed to accomplish. Then it occurred to me that doing something now, or later, wasn't the goal. It was the attainment of the willingness to do that which is right in every circumstance. Trusting in Self, opened up the gate to a bright and loving world. Allowing me to be at peace in the Now.

Self-trust is the beginning of trusting others. Knowing we will find the answer, and do the right thing, is the first step in acknowledging Self as having the power we need to be all we want to be, and all we need. This Self-love sets the foundation for loving all. Without it, we feel unworthy, and that nothing is worth the energy it requires from us. We have all been in the situation where we feel drained by an outside factor. What we need is only a sense of importance, and that which we attend to becomes instantly more important by it's relation to Self.

Maybe you have a situation where someone is alway one-upping you, or competing with you. You wait for it to pass, and having taken the higher ground you feel OK. However, you have been zapped, and you feel drained around that person, and learn to avoid them in the future. Instead of letting the pressure build, it is alright to say how their actions make you feel. Reacting in anger won't get you anywhere, but in honesty and kindness, you can claim your energy and the Self-worth they tried to steal from you. The true distraction is allowing them to bother you in the first place. It is no bother if you see it for what it is, not just how it effected you. Call it what it is, and brush it out of the way.

We all have unlimited potential power and beauty. Trust Yourself to have the right thing to say, and don't withhold the effect that the comment had on you. There is no reason to dump your problems or worries on others, but if you can lighten the load that another tries to lump on you, kindly reject their assertion of dominance, and continue to have a wonderful day.

Next time there is a rock in your way, kick it out of the way. The next pedestrian, or driver will benefit, and you never know, you may find a gem under there. You may never know why you had to kick the rock, but it was there in your path. The only thing you must do is walk, and not stumble. If you do so, you have done yourself right. However, you have not left a legacy of light. Kick the rock out of the road. This is a simple act of generosity. See how it makes you feel. See if it doesn't make an immediate impact on how you live your day.

When you leave a light behind in the heart of those you encounter, you will know that you have fulfilled a purpose where you have walked. Your genuine smile, and sometimes kind words, change the lives of those around you. Enough kind words, or smiles, and they will light up on their own when they see you coming.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


1: a determination to act in a certain way : resolve
5: concept; especially : a concept considered as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

In this quote, the concept of intention is degraded to be defined as desire, or minor intent; as in the statement, "I want to be an astronaut." True intention is action. In such a case when one had true intention, there would be actions immediate following the statement which would lead to the reality of becoming an astronaut. Thus, it is an untrue statement, upon further examination. The truth is that the one making that statement would enjoy some of the effects that astronauts experience. However, what it takes to become an astronaut is not worth the effort to them. If the statement were true, the person would have then put their energy into that path of intention through action.


Often I hear people say, "I'll pray for you", or, "I'm praying for you". This statement is often a genuine and positive way of offering their "help". This method does not show true intention. It is attention, which we are finding is very valuable on some level of sending out our attention and desire to "God" for the benefit of the one receiving the benefit of the prayer.

Often, this lends energy and the faith needed for the person being prayed for to do what it is that is required to create their own reality encompassing that thing or state which they desire. My meaning is that, prayer is attention, not intention. If one intends to help you, they will act in ways other than giving their attention.

Attention is tending to a personal path. The path to God, if you will. Intention is tending to the inside. The inner energy necessary for action. Hence, attention is offering a willing desire. Intention is action ending in the desired effect.

Evidence of true intention

Just as I wrote this, I looked at the Webster dictionary for the definition and followed an ad to a quantum-physics methodology using intention to create your alternative self called quantum jumping.

Intention does not listen to conscious fears and observations. These "observations" are skewed by judgement based on perception. They are not barriers, nor are they "real" in a future sense. They are situations or objects observed through a complex view of reality formed by the conscious mind and our social programing which obscures their true meaning and relative position to self. The wall exists. It is not a barrier. The objects that hold our attention reveal our true intention. If the wall is in the way, is the intention to stop there, or continue to the original intention.

When walking in the dark with a flashlight, the light remains on the goal. When fear assumes the attention, it requires the light to move onto the object of fear. Losing sight of the goal. Done often or long enough, the original goal can be lost and wandering around in the darkness, running from fear to fear can easily become the goal of the walk.

This is a metaphor explaining what happens when an intention is degraded by lack of attention. This is a case when prayer or encouragement of the intention can help lend the energy necessary to focus on the intended result.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Conscious Growth in Unconscious Realities

Materialism vs Unconscious Realities

The stress of survival in our modern age can be a difficult struggle if perspective is continually adjusted to the physical realm. Easily deceived by our eyes and ears, we often play the role of victim in relation to our delicately balanced system of life on earth. The manifestation of fear causes us to deceive ourselves and others when we are mislead by fear itself. When something is off, ask yourself, "what am I afraid of"?

How can one take care when things in the material realm become challenging, while remaining cognizant of other equally as important aspects of reality? The answer is within the question. Consciousness of the unconscious is always a learning process, but the payoff is worth the effort. In giving our daily attention or devotion to such matters, we save ourselves from a definitive end in the conscious material world. This change of focus is something that refines with dedication, like all arts. Never stop learning and asking questions. From one clearing, you cut out another, continuing on a path of understanding, or at least experiencing the grace of the universal spirit we all feel. If you don't feel it, TAP IN! Give. You will. Give time in service to others, and to yourself. Meditate on your breath and on where your life is headed. This is the beginning.


We tell ourselves that authorities are limiting our choices, and then try to work within the parameters which our intellectual mind tells us are "real". The only authority that exists, is the one that we recognize as "authority".

Jesus was a great example of this. There was no authority over him. He did submit to the many complex systems of authority that existed during his physical life. The Jewish authority gave him over to the Roman authority, and they colluded in their own terms to find him guilty of things which we now know meant very little. Imagine in our time, someone being brought before a Supreme Court judge for claiming to be a king. Would we not just dismiss him as crazy, and let it be? It likely depends on how much trouble his followers were causing for those in "power".

These trumped up charges can always be made. In our time, one might instead be accused of being a "terrorist", or enemy of the state, because their ideas and lifestyle conflicts on a rudimentary level from that of an egocentric capitalist society, where self and possessions are of the highest import and priority. This kind of thinking is the result of materialism - too much emphasis on intellectual and physical perceptions.

There are no court systems or authorities recognized by our state that can hold one accountable for spiritual or emotional terrorism. Those things are guarded by the mind and spirit themselves. When we take part in communication with those such as Pilot or the Pharisees, we do so at our own risk. This was the battleground where Jesus found himself. Spiritually, he won. Look at the result. Christian organizations all over the world defy the authority of those who ignore the sick, the homeless, and those in prison.

Recognizing the value in all, regardless of status is a prerequisite for this kind of "rebellion". Capitalism and socialism always ask for something in return. There is no understanding that the individual has innate value regardless of return in such material systems.


Regardless of the fallibility of the religious institutions that claim to represent God, they often get one important part of the message right: this world offers far more than is revealed on the surface. The kindness and charity they offer has a real place that socialism, capitalism, or democracy has yet to fulfill. While these institutions might offer a helping hand to those in need without asking anything much in return for the individuals receiving the benefits, they do not supply the main ingredient. The absence of physical authority. Charity is an upwardly mobile agent that overflows in abundance, nourishing the needy with the love selflessness they need to then go out and, themselves, give in both the physical and spiritual realms. This is why we give unconditionally to those in need. Our needs are also met unconditionally. To recognize this, we need only to take a deep breath, and continue life a few moments more.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Time and Change.

Time is not running out. We are changing and we measure time by the changes. One can be obstinate to change, but will be throwing fists at the wind. Changes occur over time to an end that does not always fit with our plan or an unrealistic desire. Being aware of changes that will occur places us in a place to make a choice. If we deny being aware of the change, it is to our detriment.

This is a bit tricky, but here goes: do no action which is an undesirable chore, but a task that makes me happy. Not to get something I want, but because I want to do it. It would not give me what I want unless it was what I wanted to do. If I don't want to do it, it can not give me what I want. Doing what I want, gives me that which I desire. Struggling the whole way to your goal will not take you to your goal, unless your goal is to be unhappy.

Imagining a situation we would find ideal is important to achieving that state. Being supple and open to new experiences does not keep us from walking toward goals. But if we remain willing to accept new circumstances along our way, things can work out in our favor. It is difficult, however, to make the choices that will lead us to our goals when we have not taken time to image our own utopia.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Corporate Branding

This is a good example of how a corporate brand, once defined, can further analyze and improve it's brand perception in the eyes of it's consumers. What is with many, so it is with the few, and often the individual.