Friday, September 25, 2009

Mindlessness in the Information Age

This morning I received the following email. Below was my response, which was sent to all the e-mail addresses that were carelessly listed at the top of the email, who had received it as well. It is a classic case of Internet hoax, which weakens our society, shows our ignorance, distracts people in charge who are actually doing their jobs, and demoralizes the few who really care to search out facts. An insight into the modern American perspective.

Pastors Removal from Television

Removal of 20 Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah
and other pastors from the airwaves.

An organization has been granted a Federal Hearing on the same subject by
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington , D.C. .

Their petition, Number 2493, would ultimately pave the way to stop the
reading of the gospel of our Lord and Savior, on the  airwaves of America
. They got 287,000 signatures to back their stand! If this attempt is
successful, all Sunday worship services being broad cast on the radio or
by television will be stopped..

This group is also campaigning to remove all Christmas programs and
Christmas carols from public schools!

You, as a Christian, can help!

We are praying for at least 1 million signatures. This would defeat their
effort and show that there are many Christians  alive, well and concerned
about our country.... As Christians, we must unite on this.

Please don't take this lightly. We ignored one lady once and  lost prayer
in our schools and in offices across the nation.

Please stand up for your religious freedom and let your voice be heard.
Together we can make a difference in our country while  creating an
opportunity for the lost to know the Lord.

Please, if you don't wish to participate, return this email to  whoever
sent it to you so they can at least keep this email going or forward it to
someone you know who will wish to  participate.

Dr. Dobson is going on CNBC to urge every Christian to get involved. I
hope you will sign and forward to all your family and friends. Please
press forward, CLEAN UP THE MESSAGE, and forward this to everyone you
think should read this....

Now, please sign your name at the bottom (you can only add your  name
after you have pressed 'Forward' or you have copied and pasted the text).

Don't delete any other names, just go to the next number and type your
name. Please do not sign jointly, such as Mr. & Mrs. each person should
sign his/her own name. Please defeat this  organization and keep the light
of our freedom of religion.

When you get to 1,000 please e-mail back to: Lisa Norman email address is:

1..Barbara Bishop
2. Lanham Bishop
3. Laura Sherley
4. Bucky Sherley
5. Louetta Wallace

Hello everyone who sent this on,

Your names are all below. I received this letter 10 minutes ago. It disturbed me because I don't want to see my religious freedoms, or any freedoms of anyone inhibited. First and foremost I stand for freedom and justice. I stand up for, and will fight for the freedoms of those who do not share the same religious, sexual, political, or racial realities to which I belong.

I, unlike anyone else on this list of hundreds, did a simple search on Google for the ladies name: Lisa Norman, because I realized that the link below was not an email address. Then I searched and found the following to be true about the email.

Snopes Article >> Click Here

If you received this email, and sent it on with your name without first checking for just 5 minutes, which is not much time or trouble, then you don't have much respect for your name. I suggest taking just a little more care in the future. Hopefully none of the people who have received this hoax have spam or viruses to send us in the future, since they may now have your e-mail address. Mindless forwarding is just that. It's not only useless, but shows that all you are really willing to do for a cause is hit send on your computer. Don't bother. Everyone knows you will not back up your word, anyway. This is not a judgment. I would like it if people would slow down a little in the fast information age in which we find ourselves today. It is because we don't care that such freedoms are stolen from us by those we empower in the first place.

Take care,


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